Being connected is the new black.
The facility to connect and collaborate with other educators through new media has made my learning grow exponentially. What’s new and different? Just about everything. Sharing through Twitter and...
View ArticleCoping strategies.
The paralysis that ensues when faced by the sheer volume of choice available through the new models of information is perfectly comprehensible. Going from a supermarket that once had 600 items from...
View ArticleNetwork literacy
What does it mean to be literate? McClure’s paper of 1993, both perceptive and ahead of its time, could be throughly innovative for some of my colleagues in 2015. The information literacy definition ”...
View ArticleHow do you design for aliveness?
An excellent question from Etienne Wenger et al. They suggest a community of practice needs something alive in them to keep them buoyant, and, just as space design encourages a certain type of...
View ArticleWhat endures?
In this interview with Howard Rheingold. Alec Couros asks, “What will endure?” The connections will he says, not necessarily what was shared. There are so many connections to be made on social...
View ArticleKN artefact critique
Heather Bailie Get connected with Google+ This digital artefact is engaging, concise, visually appealing and clever in its design. The initial question puts the audience in a place to embrace what...
View ArticleReflective statement.
The following reflection adds personal perception to the evaluation which precedes it. This course has certainly enriched my expertise in and understanding of, the tools and strategies of connected...
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